¨ Gun News and Views ¨
¨ Published by/for Annie Oak-Tree Ladies© / Females for Firearm Freedoms© ¨
October 31, 2017
ADVISEMENT: for maximum readability /comprehension, this email is much better read on a monitor/laptop than a phone as there is lots of info contained within it. Please click on the embedded links I’ve included as they explain more of what is said & offer further insight.
Hello, Ladies!
It was great meeting a lot of new gals this past Saturday at our GLOCKtober event and munching on the pizza afterwards! We welcome you all into our Annie Oak-Tree Ladies© / Females for Firearm Freedoms© world!
For those who missed the event, we also had “celebrity” guests @ OTGC that day including Steven Tyler (Aerosmith) and Bill Whittle with his wife, Natalia – so our afternoon’s pleasures were doubled! Bill is a contributing host on NRA TV as well as a director, screenwriter, author, political contributor and blogger. Here is a great YOUTUBE video on his “Virtual State of the Union Address on Gun Control”. Follow Bill onTwitter as well!
His wife, Natalia, is joining our group and perhaps she will speak to us at an event soon & tell us what it is like living in a country with limited freedom as she is originally (and recently) from Russia. It is those who have not grown up with our Freedom & Liberties in their countries of birth, or who have lost them, who are the MOST aware of how precious and fragile these blessings are – and HOW CLOSE we are as Americans toLOSING them in the USA because we are NOT spending the time & effort necessary to monitor our State & Federal governments. We must make certain that our politicians are following/enforcing our Constitution – & not just finding ways to burden us with more laws and regulations. Personally, I’m frustrated that we HAVE to watch all of these elected officials like little kids, but unfortunately, this is not a “new” problem and our Founding Fathers warned us of it as well:
“But you must remember, my fellow-citizens, that eternal vigilance by the people is the price of liberty, and that you must pay the price if you wish to secure the blessing. It behooves you, therefore, to be watchful in your States as well as in the Federal Government.”
Andrew Jackson- Army General - Politician - 7th President • USA • 1767 - 1845
So with THAT said:
ALERT: Call/email Speaker Paul Ryan’s office: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/10/31/paul-ryan-ignores-national-reciprocity-43rd-consecutive-week/ and tell him that as a voting, tax-paying American citizen, you want him to bring HR38 to the House floor for a full vote - NOW! There are 212 CO-SPONSORS of this bill on record (out of the 435 House members). And it WILL allow those of us with UTAH CCW to enjoy our Second Amendment as it was intended to be! 😊
This website is for us non-Wisconsin residents: https://www.speaker.gov/contact/ and is where I left my comments a few days ago….
If you don’t yet possess a UTAH CCW, pick up one of Gene Leary’s business cards at OTGC as he is a Certified UTAH CCW Instructor, will conduct the Shooting Test and take your fingerprints for your submission for your non-resident UTAH CCW to the State of Utah. We held an Annie Oak-Tree Ladies class last May and all who attended passed! Please contact Gene directly for pricing, scheduling and any questions - I’m just passing along the “opportunity” and encouragement.
November 11th – Veterans Day – Saturday @ noon: NEED VOLUNTEERS!
As I previously mentioned, we’re looking for Volunteers to “Adopt a Vet” for our annual Veterans Appreciation Day!
Betsy told us on Saturday evening how much these tokens of “thanks” mean to the guys…so I hope all of us can participate.
We’ll meet at OTGC Bar ’n Grill ~ noon on Saturday, Nov 11th and then proceed to pass out our “goodie” baskets to our Vets as a group. The goal is to have at least one of us per basket/Vet. Each volunteer will either pick a name or have an OTGC staff Veteran “assigned” to them for whom to make up a basket (or whatever creative container you come up with). This is entirely up to each gal(s) to decide what is in her “basket” and we’ve seen some very creative and awesome containers and “fillers”. This is not meant to be extravagant – but a heartfelt “thank you” to our Military. The Dollar Stores/99¢ Stores are usually full of Veterans Day tokens and everyday necessities that everyone needs (think of “stocking stuffers”).
I’ve already gathered the Military Veteran’s names and OTGC ranges they work at below. Please “adopt” a Vet below and submit back to me ASAP – by Nov 5th or SOONER! First come, first served as far as name choices go. A generous donor has left us with funds of $15 for each basket to offset the personal costs. I also have literally cleaned out the Castaic and Valencia Dollar Tree Stores of Veterans Day cards, so I have everyone covered. But if you prefer to make/buy your own, go for it!
We can double up on the Vets but ALL must be covered first! This is a GREAT opportunity & education for children of all ages to get involved & to MEET the guys that keep them free! As we all know, kids are like sponges and they absorb the good and bad alike, so let’s make certain they absorb the great things about America and the blessings of being born in the USA! 😊 These are the memories and foundations that they will carry with them as adults!
“Every child in America should be acquainted with his own country. He should read books that furnish him with ideas that will be useful to him in life and practice. As soon as he opens his lips, he should rehearse the history of his own country.” Noah Webster, On the Education of Youth in America, 1788
So far, we have 4 Ladies volunteering…. And 2 of them are Veterans themselves… (Navy / Coast Guard).
We’re looking forward to many more gals & families joining us! 😊
2017 Veterans Day OTGC Staff
Jim Zemansky- Navy
Rolf Greisbach- Marine Corps - Vietnam
Vincent Richarte- Army
Erick Soltero -
Eugene Smith- Navy
Chuck Gay- Marine Corps
Chris Eddy – Army – AOTL Volunteer = Bobbie Lee
Jordan Rivera
Brendon Roberts
Vladislov Drozdov
Robert Savage- Army - AOTL Volunteer = Nancy Tujetsch
Tony Padillo - Army
Darren Hewitt - Army
November 16th – Thursday evening – 6pm: November Birthday Blast!
Meet us at the Pistol Paper Target range to celebrate the November birthdays!
The courtesy of an RSVP is appreciated so I can tell the Pistol Shop how many of us to expect…so please RSVP soon!
It’s an informal get-together held during normal OTGC business hours, so we are “regular” Customers and all standard OTGC rates apply to members and non-members. It’s another opportunity to spend more time together at the range honing our skills & getting to know each other afterwards. We’ll shoot ‘til we’re tired and then go up to the OTGC Bar ’n Grill for schmoozing, eating and making merry!
Remember to email Laura the month and day (only) of your entry into this world @ [email protected] so we can put you on the Birthday List!
November 18th – Saturday evening – 5:15pm: SKEET Night – Beretta Shotgun Rep will be showcasing the Shotguns for Ladies!
Stay tuned for details and pricing! Feel free to bring your own shotgun and shells as well!
November 24, 25, 26 Friday, Saturday, Sunday – BLACK FRIDAY WEEKEND SALES! VOLUNTEERS!
Keep these dates open as you will want to take advantage of the sales for Christmas/Hanukkah shopping – as well as stock up on ammo, etc., before MORE anti-gun laws take effect on January 1st, 2018 in California!
Read it and weep OR FIGHT IT with us!:
Please start RSVP’ing now to [email protected] with the days/hours that you can work and your expertise (Computer for Memberships/ Customer Service, etc.). Shifts will likely be 4 hours long (you can work more than 1 shift or extra hours after that as is needed). Sales Hours are regular OTGC business hours: Friday 10am-9pm, Sat/Sun 8am-6pm. California minimum prevailing wages will be paid. Great way to make $ for that next firearm as well – that’s what I did! 😊
I just bought 2 more boxes…. “The Patriots Primer on American Liberty”
I received the first 2 boxes last week and these are great! Had to get more! I encourage those who are able to spend $30 for qty 280 (or find someone to split the cost –there are no tax/shipping charges) to do so and help EDUCATE the masses if you want to help maintain what our past, current and future Military men and women have & will sacrifice for. This is only $0.107 each to make a difference! I myself am learning new history lessons about our nation’s founding through this Primer and love it! Education is the KEY to keeping our Constitution and Liberties intact – if we don’t know what our rights are, we will NOT know when we lose them… until the CONSEQUENCES of those losses are revealed to us in very ugly ways….
If nothing else – please REMEMBER this precept from our Declaration of Independence:
Our RIGHTS do NOT come from Government, but from God. Our Founding Fathers knew that well and they documented it for times such as these:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,”
….now look at what is happening in the Capitol Building in Sacramento and the Congressional Halls in Washington D.C. Is THIS what you see there and is THIS what our “public servants” are practicing? Are WE, the “governed” CONSENTING to what they are doing – or has our power been null & voided resulting in politicians running amok, writing legislation (laws) /casting votes and capitulating to whatever suits their purpose and can get them re-elected as we have NO term limits in the U.S. Congress? Are they following the Constitution – ESPECIALLY in this case the Second Amendment??? Or just making more “laws” to INFRINGEupon it? The last time I looked, the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution began with “We, the People”, not “We, the Congress”…
Contemplate these things…. Our future and your children’s future depend on US demanding the U.S. Constitution be followed! The correct interpretation by the Courts has been accomplished in the past by the reading/analyzing of the Founder’s writings – whatever it meant to them when they wrote it, should be the SAME meaning it holds today. “Thou shall not steal” written thousands of years ago STILL means “Thou shall not steal” today. Don’t fall for the “well they didn’t have AR’s when they wrote the 2A” gun control argument. No they didn’t – but they DID have cannons – and you don’t see that “exception” written or excluded in the Second Amendment!!
P.S. - Check out the CalGuns Foundation and consider joining/donating to the lawsuits they have brought forth to RESTORE our gun RIGHTS in California! And these donations are TAX DEDUCTIBLE as they are a 501-C3 organization. I consider this as a “tithe” as it is helping to return my GOD-GIVEN Gun Rights BACK to me! Mankind was not created to be dominated by other humans. We are not to be “subjects” to anyone! And right now, the inmates are running the asylums in both Sacramento and Washington D.C.! There’s only handful of any of them that I trust to have American citizens’ best interest at heart and to be rulinggoverning according to the U.S. Constitution! And THIS LINK proves my point!
Also check out Gun Owners of California for up-to-date info on California legislation & shenanigans in Sacramento. Join & sign up for their informative email notifications.
Look at what the California Speaker of the Assembly Anthony Rendon said about us all: https://www.gunownersca.com/2017/10/04/goc-statement-assembly-speakers-reckless-repulsive-remarks/ This guy represents the AD-63 which includes Bell, Lynwood, Paramount, South Gate, Cudahy, Maywood and is an enemy of the Second Amendment & YOUR RIGHT to SELF DEFENSE! THIS is what the Sacramento super-majority legislature thinks about us… it’s d*mn time we drained THIS smelly, slimy swamp as well!
“Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined.” Patrick Henry, speech in the Virginia Ratifying Convention, June 5, 1778
Forever Armed & Free,